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New Voices Over the Air: The Transformation of the South African Broadcasting Corporation in a Chang

New Voices Over the Air: The Transformation of the South African Broadcasting Corporation in a ChangQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 1-57273-811-1

Title: New Voices Over the Air
Sub-title: The Transformation of the South African Broadcasting Corporation in a Changing South Africa
Author(s): P. Eric Louw and Viola C. Milton
Publish Date: March 2012
Pages: 336
Format: Cloth
This book grapples with the first few years of South Africa’s journey out of apartheid. The book’s focus is on the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) because the SABC was the first organization transformed in post-apartheid South Africa.

Because the SABC’s highly visible politico-cultural role, the incoming African National Conference (ANC) government saw the need to revamp this organization as quickly as possible. Consequently, the SABC played a pioneering role in the post-apartheid transformation process. And given that the SABC was at the cutting edge of the post-apartheid change process, it provides a useful fulcrum for examining the wider issues of South Africa’s social change. As leading ANC spokeswoman Sheila Sisulu said: “We now plan to use the SABC transformation-model for the wide transformation of South Africa.”

Contents: Preface. INTRODUCTION: GLOBALIZATION AND SOUTH AFRICA’S DOUBLE TRANSFORMATION. Policymaking: Mixing Substantive Change and Rhetoric. References. THE SABC IN CONTEXT. The South African Game of Ethnic Ranking, Reranking, and Patronage. The Anglo Oligarchy and the Early SABC. An Afrikaner Oligarchy Captures the SABC. The White Oligarchy in Crisis and ‘His Master’s Voice’. The SABC and the Interregnum. References. TRANSFORMING THE SABC. Mapping Out the Future: The Matsepe-Casaburri Board. Problems Encountered in Transforming the SABC. A Casaburri Team Vision: The Need for Change. A Casaburri Team Vision: The Problem of Trust. A Casaburri Team Vision: The New Nation. A Casaburri Team Vision: Africanization. A Casaburri Team Vision: Affirmative Action. A Casaburri Team Vision: The Need to Be an Interventionist Board. Some Casaburri Board Failings. The SABC and the Emerging Black Elite. References. FROM BROEDERBOND TO STRUGGLEBOND: STAFFING SHIFTS AT THE SABC. American Roots of Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action in the South African Context. THE SABC’S Corrective Action Policy. The Effects of the Restaffing Exercise. References. THE SHIFTING SYMBOLIC CONTEXT: FROM APARTHEID TO RAINBOW NATION TO AFRICAN NATIONALISM. The National Party: From Apartheid to Rainbow Nation. The Interregnum: The SABC’s ‘Prague Spring’. A Dominant ANC Discourse Emerges. References. THE SABC WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF A MUTATING BROADCAST REGULATORY FRAMEWORK. The The Main Agendas Driving the Early IBA. The IBA Formulates its Positions. IBA Action: Dealing With the SABC and TBVC Broadcasters. IBA Action: Dealing with M-Net. IBA Action: Facilitating New Community and Private Sector Voices. References. A MODERNIST NATION BUILDING BROADCASTER: A REFUSAL OF GLOBALIZATION? The New Globalized Environment. The ANC’s Nation-Building Project As a Legacy of Apartheid. The Casaburri Team As Modernist Nation Builders. McKinsey Report: challenging Modernist Nation Building at the SABC? Echoes of Modernity. References. BEYOND PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING. The Regulatory Framework: 1998-Present. “Profits Before People”: The SABC’s Funding Model. Impact on the SABC and its Products. Conclusion. References. ANC HEGEMONY AND THE SABC. Shifts in ANC Policy. The SABC: A Mouthpiece of the ANC?. What of the Future. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

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