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Media and Power on the Margins of Europe: Public Negotiation of the Breton Language and Cultural Ide

Media and Power on the Margins of Europe: Public Negotiation of the Breton Language and Cultural IdeQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 978-1-57273-919-2

Title: Media and Power on the Margins of Europe
Sub-title: Public Negotiation of the Breton Language and Cultural Identity
Author(s): David Winterstein
Publish Date: February 2010
Pages: 244
Format: Cloth
This volume explores the links between the expression of local language and tradition in a globally connected world. The Breton people are like many other cultural groups in Europe whose cultural markers can only be found through a web of national and international media connections. Though no longer actively discouraged by policy at the organizational or institutional levels, the Breton language is still under siege from indifference by the powers that control media outlets.

The book traces the ways that the Breton people have managed to express their language and cultural values through developing their own media, and through navigating the government and corporate institutions that control access to information. Through an in-depth field study of the Breton linguistic and cultural sphere, this book focuses attention on the relationship between media globalization and the human rights of expression and information in local languages and cultures.

Contents: INTRODUCTION. Local Culture and Globalization. Cultural Groups and the Globalization of the Media. Why Explore an Indigenous Group? Why the Bretons? Exploring Language Media and the Breton Identity. Writing About the Breton Language and Culture. HISTORICAL ROOTS OF THE MODERN BRETON IDENTITY. Forgetting History or Renegotiating Collective Identity and Culture. The Bretons: A Celtic People. Breton Territory: A Shared Notion of Conflict. Looking Outside of Brittany--Trade and Europe. THE BRETON LANGUAGE. Tracing the History of the Breton Language. Geography of the Breton Language Environment Today. Regional Language Policy in France. Permission versus Action in Language Policy. Regional Language Policy in Britain. Europe. THE BRETON MEDIA ENVIRONMENT: POLICY AND REGULATION. Regulating the Breton Media. Summing Up--Implications of Current Policies. REPRESENTING IDENTITY: BRETON MEDIA CONTENT. Early Breton Literary Development. The Development of Breton Media. What Kinds of Content Are Currently Available in Breton? PRODUCING AN IDENTITY: INSIDE THE BRETON MEDIA PROFESSION. A Breton Perspective. Promoting the Breton Language: Hearing a New Old Voice. Institutional Constraints: Media Economics and Media Politics. Needs for the Future of the Breton Media System. BEYOND FOLKLORE AND COSTUMES: BRETON MEDIA AUDIENCES. The Audience as Seen through the Eyes of Media Producers. Audience Needs From Their Own Perspective. CONCLUSIONS. Power, Identity, Negotiation, and Cultural Expression. A Local Flow: Regaining Power through Proximity. Where to Go From Here in Studying the Media-Identity Relationship? Appendixes. Glossary. References. Index.

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