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Picturing Afghanistan: The Photography of Foreign Conflict (Paul Verschueren)

Picturing Afghanistan: The Photography of Foreign Conflict (Paul Verschueren)Quantity in Basket:none
Code: 978-1-61289-038-8

Title: Picturing Afghanistan
Sub-title: The Photography of Foreign Conflict
Author(s): Paul Verschueren
Publish Date: January 2012
Pages: 214
Format: Cloth
This is an in-depth account of the Euro-American visualization of the conflict in Afghanistan. Comparing images in public affairs, psychological warfare, journalism and the photo-book, the author argues that there are no strong boundaries between photography in war and photography about war. He shows how and when the media have adopted, extended and counter-framed the public affairs discourse of militarism and humanitarianism, and how and when public affairs rely on the aesthetic codes of photojournalism. Instead of enforcing a unified interpretation, the author considers photography’s ambiguous and contradictory aspects. It is argued that, even within the conventionalized genre of photojournalism, photographs of conflict do not merely promote unity and social cohesion but express anxieties associated with the breakdown of imagined communities.

Contents: Preface. Acknowledgments. INTRODUCTION. Photographs and Frames. Photography and Theory. The Concept of the Frame. Using Social Semiotics for Frame Analysis. The Photojournalistic Register and Genre. Visual and Textual Frames. Two Examples. Example 1: The Spirit of Berlin. Example 2: The Kabul-Kandahar Road. Notes. OFFICIAL U.S. VIEWS. Photography and Propaganda. A Soldier’s Story. Paper Bullets. The White Man’s Burden. Photo-Texts In/About War. Notes. WESTERN EUROPEAN PRESS VIEWS. Photography and the News. Initial Responses Across the Atlantic. The Framing of Combatants and Technologies. Visualizing Leadership in Wartime. Home Fronts in a Globalized World. Refugees: Threatened and Dangerous. The Civilian Body as Battleground. Photography and Info-Graphics. Invisible Afghanistan. Notes. The PHOTO-BOOK. Photography and the Documentary Tradition. War as Quest. Dystopian Landscapes. The Photo Studio as Heterotopia. The Otherness of War. Notes. Conclusion. References. List of Illustrations. Author Index. Subject Index.

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